
Care India (charitable trust No.714/90) with its registered office in Chennai, has projects that are run in pursuit of its objective to see...

Why Support Elders?

Officials said they were particularly concerned about the impact on elderly women, who will outnumber men, and be more vulnerable in Indian society.


According to a pictorial graphic release by United Nations on the occasion of the International Literacy Day on September 8, 2012, India has the maximum

Our Latest Programmes

Care India with its registered office in Chennai, has projects that are run


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Mr. P. V.  John, Director, CARE INDIA having its registered office at No. 8 New Secretariat Colony, Kilpauk, Chennai 10 is known to me. This organization is rendering services to the downtrodden people.

I had the pleasure of presiding over /one of the camps conducted by CARE INDIA for coaching downtrodden boys who were to appear for std X examination in March 1991 for three days from March 21, 1991. I am happy to know that some of them were able to come out successful.

I am confident that if more funds are available the Organization would render more useful and better service to downtrodden people. I commend his services

Former Judge Supreme Court of India

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus.

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Care India

175/1, Beracah Road,
Reddy Colony, Namalwarpet
Chennai, Tamilnadu,
India 600012.
Ph No. +91 4426601478
